Revelation study 9

Bible Study Chapter 9

Audio file

Speed estimated at 67,000 Miles per hour

Tail 536,000 miles long

Impact distance approximately 8,000 miles from Africa to North America

Sixth Seal causes tectonic plates to move over 5 billion die in 30 minutes

Trumpet 1 Impact zone from Africa to Europe Height 5-8,000 miles

Trumpet 2 Large mountain size object hits Atlantic Ocean

Trumpet 3 Deep Impact causes plume in North America

32.7333304 35.0499998 estimated longitudinal Impact zone for Trumpet 1

The Rogue Planet Disaster

Audio file scriptures

Rogue Planet Catastrophe Rogue Planet formed an elliptical orbit that caused it to fly towards Earth. When it approaches, the Earth shakes, causing the tectonic plates to move, all buildings around the world to collapse, and more than 5 billion people will die in 8 hours. The tail only takes 30 minutes to hit the continents of Europe and Africa with a wall of fire. The tail will wipe out invaders from Eastern Europe and Russia. Tens of millions of people fall in northern Israel, leaving Israel with seven years of supplies during the seven years of Antichrist’s reign. Israel buries the dead for up to seven months. The Dome of the Rock collapses, soon after the collapse the Antichrist helps Israel rebuild the Temple. Three hours after the Atlantic Ocean is destroyed by a mountain-sized debris at the tail, North America then suffers a severe shock that makes the water supply bitter from Deep Impact the ashes, there was a plume of ash that obscures the sun and moon of the Americas. (Europe, Africa, Russia and the Americas were wiped out in this event.)

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